Palm Springs Drive church of Christ: Shepherds

The leaders of the Palm Springs Drive church of Christ in Altamonte Springs, Florida, are known as elders, bishops or shepherds, all terms used in the Bible to refer to men selected by biblical qualification to serve as the overseers of a local church of our Lord. We generally call our leaders "shepherds".

The true church of our Lord belongs to Jesus Christ. He built it (Matthew 16:18). Therefore, it is His to determine its mission, its organization, and the designation, qualifications, and work of its leaders. We at Palm Springs Drive have three men appointed according to the Lord's instructions to the task of leading us in all aspects of our work and worship (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:6-9).

The shepherds here are assisted by six deacons, servants assigned by the elders to carry our specific responsibilities. While the shepherds may, from time to time, assign specific work to members of the congregation who are not deacons, the deacons are appointed according to God given qualifications, which are recorded for us in 1 Timothy 3:8-13. 

The church works with Brian Messerli and Dwayne Gandy, gifted young men who have dedicated their lives to preaching God's word. Their sermons and classes grow out of a careful and clear understanding of the Bible and are presented with love for the truth and those who hear.

Herb Hinely

Jeff Hunt

Joe Rimmer

Dave Weaver

Tim Welsh


"Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood."

-Acts 20:28